There will be an Underwater Easter Egg Hunt at the Tenkiller State Park - Scuba Park on Sunday April 1st at 11:00am. We will have pop and water during the event and we will meet at Big Daddy's afterwards to give out the prizes.
The hunt will be $5.00 for dive club members and $10.00 for anyone else. Please sign up in advance.
On April 14 and 15 there will be over 100 different dry suits at Beaver Lake. Poseidon is selling tickets for $8.00 in advance to attend. The price includes the dive, lunch, camera use, treasure hunt and Saturday dinner and program.
Basic equipment will be required. Come on down and see what it's like to stay warm and dry while diving.
Do you dive within the limits of your ability and training? If you have not been diving for awhile, have you taken a refresher course recently. Poseidon offers the course for $50.00, a small price to practice your skills. Poseidon promotes continuing education. If you are doing specialized diving, have you taken the time to be trained by a professional?
Do you evaluate the conditions and check with local professionals when the area is unfamiliar? It is important that you understand the conditions of the dive location. If you are unfamiliar with the dive location, check with the local professionals as to the conditions such as current and tides. Postpone the dive if conditions are too rough or above your abilities.
Are you familiar with your equipment and do you have it seviced on a regular basis? For example, if your are wreck diving, you need more than just training. Specialized equipment is required as well as the ability to utilize it. Equipment needs to be maintained on a regular basis. your regulator needs to be serviced on a yearly basis even if you have not used it in the last year. This will keep your warranty current. An alternate air source along with a low pressure buoyancy control inflation system should be on every set of gear used. Writing down the amount of weights that you use each dive with the equipment used will allow you to better control your weight.